Tertarik Magang di Silicon Valley? Daftar Mentorship Program Indo2SV!


Indonesia Mengglobal is excited to announce that we are partnering with Indo2SV (indo2sv.com), an organization that aims to facilitate aspiring students who want to work in technology companies abroad. For free, Indo2SV provides 5-month project-oriented mentorship that encompasses from zero to everything they think you need to know in order to secure an internship at top technology companies in Silicon Valley. Regardless of your current major, as long as you are Indonesian, a university student, and willing to work hard for it; you are welcome to apply!

Indo2SV was born out of its founders’ observation that very few Indonesians who study outside the US work in Silicon Valley. The prospect of applying, interviewing and eventually interning or working at companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, or LinkedIn seems extremely overwhelming and impenetrable for a lot of students. One might read sample interview questions and get intimidated, or one might just not know where to start.

For Nino, a former Electrical Engineering undergrad at NTU who couldn’t code, the thought of working in Silicon Valley never even crossed his mind. Until one day, when his friend Adhit told him stories from his experience in applying to Silicon Valley companies, such as Facebook, Google and Quora. Adhit’s stories about the technical challenges, the potential global impact, and the innovative culture really stroke a cord for Nino.

From then on, Nino set his mind to one goal: to ‘break’ to Silicon Valley, despite not knowing how to code properly. His motivation was so great that he spent a big part of 6 months brushing up his computer science skills, doing exercises, and competing in programming competitions. And of course, a lot of brainstorming and discussion sessions with his friend Adhit. In the end of six months, he performed well enough in online programming competition called Codesprint by Interviewstreet that he secured an interview at a couple of companies in Silicon Valley.

Tertarik Magang di Silicon Valley? Daftar Mentorship Program Indo2SV!
Nino’s experience convinced Adhit and Nino, who now work at Facebook and Quora respectively, that other highly-motivated students with the right encouragement and mentorship can also make it in Silicon Valley. The home of many technology companies and a center of innovation, Silicon Valley is truly like no other place in the world – to read more about working here, read:

This effort is very well-aligned with Indonesia Mengglobal’s vision – to bring Indonesian people to the global stage, either through study or work. Like us, they are also providing mentorship for free and will truly give tangible impacts to the mentees. We are really excited for this partnership, and we are always open to support other organizations that add tremendous value in bringing Indonesian people to the global stage.

To apply, click here: http://indo2sv.com/



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