Indonesia Mengglobal Bandung Outreach Event

Pada tanggal 28 September 2013 lalu Indonesia Mengglobal mendatangi kota Bandung untuk menggelar acara outreach event. Bandung outreach event ini terbagi menjadi dua sesi,...

Indispensably Rare: Finding your vantage point

More often than not, I am the first person in the room. Pink-skinned, jet black hair with green and blue tinges, glasses, and an...

Helsinki, An Underrated Scandinavian City, At Your Service

Finland.... despite the fact that it owns an education system the rest of the world should envy, anybody can come up with reasons why...

Enhance Your Career Path and Perspective By Studying Abroad

Pursuing an education is about exploring your interests and broadening your experiences. As you approach the college application process, it may be beneficial to...

Growing up in a globalized world

I wonder sometimes: what makes me unique as a person - what sets me apart from my Indonesian compatriots, what distinguishes me from other...

American Boarding Schools – Phillips Exeter Academy

Many Indonesian high school students choose to leave home early to go to American community colleges. What those students do not know, however, is...

Life as an undergraduate student in Melbourne

I personally consider my experience in Melbourne as pretty awesome. I’ve never once regretted my decision to study here. For the past four years,...

Master of International Management, Portland State University

Sebelum memutuskan untuk melamar ke program magister bisnis, saya melakukan riset untuk menentukan program apa yang akan saya tempuh. Secara pribadi saya menginginkan program yang...

Pekerjaan Paruh Waktu Mengantar Saya kepada Kesarjanaan

Kamu berniat kuliah di Amerika Serikat (AS) dan kondisi finansialmu terbatas. Kamu berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa untuk kuliah di AS namun beasiswa tersebut tidak mencakup...

5 life tips in studying abroad

Every now and then we find our friends say, "I want to study overseas." I bet it's not all because of the university, the...