Rahasia NTU/NUS Undergraduate International Admissions

Apakah berkuliah di Nanyang Technological University (NTU) atau National University Singapore (NUS) adalah impianmu? Kalau jawabanmu adalah ya, yuk baca rahasia masuk NTU/NUS yang...

How to Have an Effective Note Taking While in School

Writing and reading are what graduate students usually do while in school. While it has been a year since I graduated, I have learned...

Hidup di Oman (Bagian 1)

Hidup di Oman menawarkan sebuah gambaran masyarakat tradisional Arab. Meski berada di tengah kemajuan teknologi, Oman masih mempertahankan tradisi kekeluargaan Arab yang kental dengan...

Mengenal Program Erasmus Mundus International Master Adult Education for Social Change (IMAESC)

Putri Lestari is a passionate young student who recently became a recipient of the prestigious IMAESC, a specific category of the Erasmus Mundus scholarship...

6 Lessons Learned from the Japanese

Having lived in Japan for two years, Anissa learned not only from the lectures at the campus but also from the attitude and the...

How Living in Canada Made Me a Better Person

It was in the fall a year before our graduation when my friends and I started talking about what we want to do after...

Think Major as a Minority

I am now a 21 years old female student, whose last 20 years of her life has been spent in the same neighbourhood, the...

De-Clutter for the Better: Reasons and Tricks to Tidy Up Your Student Accommodation

As a university student, you are likely to live in some type of student accommodation.  And yes, it is called a ‘student’ accommodation for...

Pergi Berpetualang, Mencari Ilmu dan Cerita di Matsuyama

Mengisi waktu setelah kelulusan S1 dengan program exchange menjadi sebuah pengalaman menarik bagi Karin Thalia. Melihat dunia, mempelajari kebudayaan yang berbeda, menemukan teman baru -...

A Dream Came True: How I Represented Indonesia in the United Nations

July 2017. I was sitting in the General Assembly room in the UN Headquarter in New York City. The representatives of my country were...