Waving Blue in the Eyes of Nusantara

Through her experience as an intern representing Indonesia at the United Nations, Sarah Pardede grapples with her identity as an Indonesian, and what it...

Adapting to a New Environment: Challenging yet Rewarding

A student must face and deal with many challenges once they set foot in a completely foreign country. Some of the challenges are essential...

Should You be a Resident Assistant?

Some people might think that being a Resident Assistant either can be really fun or really tiring. Well, being an RA has both pros...

Mencari Beasiswa Setelah Sampai Di Jerman? Pasti bisa!

Tidak mendapatkan beasiswa dari Indonesia untuk studi master-mu bukanlah akhir dari segalanya. Widi membuktikan bahwa dengan perjuangan lebih dan sedikit kenekatan mencari beasiswa di...

Berkuliah di Jepang dengan Beasiswa dari ADB-Japan Scholarship Program

Meraih cita-cita untuk bersekolah tingkat magister di luar negeri bukan upaya yang mudah bagi Syaban. Sempat ditolak beberapa kali, namun dengan usaha yang konsisten,...

Vancouver, My Beloved Arena

Ever wonder what it's like to live and study in Vancouver? In this article, Chris Maringka shares his experience as an undergraduate student at...

Program “ExcelL on Campus” di Victoria University of Wellington

Gegar budaya (culture shock) adalah salah satu hal yang kerap menghampiri mahasiswa yang baru memulai perkuliahan apalagi jika ia berkuliah di lingkungan yang sama...

Post-Graduation Job Hunting: How to Win The Game

For most soon-to-be graduates who aren't pursuing further education, the question of how to ace the job hunting game is probably the most pressing. Do I...

Memimpin Organisasi di Tanah Rantau

Being active in a student organization is one of the non-academic activities that can be done when studying abroad. A huge amount of experience...

Arranging Life’s Puzzle Pieces To Reach The Dream: My IM Mentorship Experience

Deciding what your next steps will be in life is not easy. It can be a lonely and hard journey. However, you don’t have...