How Music Unites People and Social Identities Can Break Them Apart

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is celebrated in March by the United Nations. Therefore, the articles for the March edition in...

Kembali ke Korea di Tengah Wabah Corona (Bagian Pertama: Menjadi Koresponden di Tengah Masa...

Akhir-akhir ini, jumlah korban yang terjangkit virus Corona semakin meningkat. Kita juga baru-baru ini mendapatkan kabar bahwa sudah ada orang Indonesia yang terjangkit virus...

Sairindri Gita Christisabrina: Belajar dan Bekerja di Bidang Hak Asasi Manusia

Di artikel ini, Content Director Indonesia Mengglobal untuk wilayah UK dan Eropa berkesempatan untuk mewawancarai Sairindri Gita Christisabrina, seorang profesional muda yang sedang berkarir...
A special moment for Audrey: the end of the commencement ceremony for the College of Science and Engineering in 2019.

Double Minority? My Experience as a Female Engineering Student

Our contributor, Audrey Sunanda has important stories to tell about being a minority in a foreign country. After facing some challenging moments of being...

What my master’s degree really taught me: Success is not a straight line

A lot of times, we want to take as much control of our lives as possible so that everything will go according to plan....

Thank you, Australia! And this is for you, Indonesia

William had just obtained a Master of Strategic Communication degree from The University of Western Australia (UWA) with the full scholarship from the Indonesian...
Figure 1. Me and the fellow interns (I am the second person from the right). Photo source: ADB Website

Internship at the International Development Organization: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Have you ever wondered how is it to work at an international development organization, such as Asian Development Bank (ADB)? What are the benefits...

Belajar Pentingnya Perlindungan Data Pribadi Saat Kuliah di Swedia

Saat berada di luar negeri, tentunya kita ingin mengabadikan momen-momen berharga dan membagikannya di media sosial. Itu wajar. Tapi apakah kalian sadar, mungkin di...

Changing Your Major Does Not Have to Be Scary

Our new North and Latin America columnist, Inef, is an alumnus of the University of North Carolina at Asheville, class of 2018.  In this...

Going to grad school? Here are three things that you need to learn

Going to a graduate school abroad can be exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. ‘What should I do in order to excel academically?’,...