Lessons Learned from My MBA Recruiting Experience

Working abroad might be the dream of many and while we graduated from a reputable university, it does not guarantee our success to be...
Joanna saat mempresentasikan poster penelitian tahun pertamanya di Food Structure, Digestion, and Health Conference 2019, Rotorua, NZ. Sumber: Dokumentasi pribadi

Mengejar Mimpi Menjadi Peneliti: Cerita dari Negeri Kiwi

“Dua kali melanjutkan studi pascasarjana negeri Kiwi, banyak hal yang Joanna Nadia (PhD Candidate in Food Science & Technology di Massey University, Selandia Baru) pelajari...

Applying for an Internship in the Netherlands

Are you interested in doing an internship in the Netherlands but are not sure how to start? Through this article, Shanisa Rahmaputri Dewanto, a...

My journey to become a part of Indonesia Mengglobal

Novelita W. Mondamina (Veli) is finally finishing up her volunteering journey as Indonesia Mengglobal (IM)'s Columnist for UK & Europe this year. In this...
Yogi at Monash University graduation ceremony. Source: Monash University

Master by Coursework vs. Master by Research: Which One to Choose?

“In preparing for your future academic degree, prospective Master’s degree students should comprehend various academic and non-academic aspects that will be experienced at the...

Setahun Menulis untuk Indonesia Mengglobal: Sebuah Catatan Pamit bagi Calon Diaspora Selanjutnya

Artikel terakhir untuk wilayah Asia/Timur Tengah/Afrika Indonesia Mengglobal 2020/2021, ditulis oleh Kolumnis Alvin Qobulsyah, membahas serba-serbi perjalanannya hingga menempuh studi di Negeri Ginseng. Sebuah artikel menarik,...

Breaking the Student Bubble through Volunteering Activity in Groningen

When studying abroad, it is easy for students to get lost in their studies – to be stuck in a student bubble where the...

International Students with Disabilities in the USA: Know and Protect Your Rights

I am someone with a disability. Could I be successful in the States? The question above was something I asked myself and my parents in...

Kultur Bekerja di Negara Asing: Denmark dan Turki

Banyak dari kita yang bermimpi untuk bekerja dan membangun karier di luar negeri. Tapi, apakah kita sudah siap? Seperti apa, sih, budaya bekerja di...
Wonderful Indonesia in Auckland Farmers Santa Parade 2016. Source: PPI Auckland 2016

Supporting The Indonesian Government while Overseas as Liaison Officers

During her academic journey in Auckland, Lavinia Disa had a tremendous experience in becoming a liaison officer for the Indonesian Navy personnel to the...