Seminar in Jakarta: Pursuing Graduate Study in the U.S. – August 16, 2014

After the success of our seminar last year – with more than 500 people attendees – this year we are proud to present 2...

Baca Dulu: Tips Aplikasi Beasiswa

Tulisan ini sebelumnya sudah diunggah di halaman web saya ( sebagai pengantar bagi para pejuang beasiswa. Dalam tulisan berikut juga saya sertakan tautan ke...

Mengintip University of Massachusetts Amherst

When we think about universities and Massachusetts, most people correlate it with the larger Boston area, often forgetting the fact that Massachusetts exceeds Boston....

Essays: Stanford’s Master Program in Energy Resources Engineering – Petroleum

Indonesia Mengglobal Essay Clinic is our effort to provide tangible help for Indonesian applicants who want to study abroad. This essay clinic is not meant...

Kuliah di Turki

“Kenapa bisa kuliah ke Turki?”, itu pertanyaan standar yang sering ditanyakan oleh banyak orang; baik orang Turki sendiri, maupun teman-teman dan keluarga di Indonesia...

Bagaimana cara WNI untuk ikut Pemilu 2014 di luar negeri?

Ingin ikut Pemilu 2014 tetapi sedang sekolah di luar negeri? Masih tidak yakin dengan cara untuk voting? Kali ini, IM akan memberikan langkah-langkah supaya...

In Lingua: Tantalizing Words And Sentences And Why They Matter

Imagine you are a human resources staff member, or an admissions officer at a university, or a grant manager at an aid organization. Imagine...

Jangan puas hanya dengan belajar di luar negeri

Apakah tugas kita sudah selesai setelah diterima belajar di luar negeri? Jawabannya adalah tidak! Livia Benedict, siswi Master of International Business dari University of...

Searching for ‘the right’ school through LinkedIn

So, you have figured out that you wanted to study abroad, learned about all the requirements and took all the tests, such as GMAT...

Exchange: Jauh dari Rumah

At the exact moment as I make my first foray onto the plane that would take me to Uncle Sam’s Land – trying to...