Memperkenalkan Budaya Indonesia Melalui Program Duta Besar Kampus

My last undergraduate year does not only consist of hours upon hours of writing my senior Independent Study thesis, but it also consists of...

Mengenal Partai Libertarian di Amerika

Ketika anda akan tinggal di luar negeri (mungkin karena tuntutan sekolah/kerja/keluarga/dll.), biasanya orang menekankan akan pentingnya mempelajari bahasa yang dipakai di negara tersebut. Tetapi,...

Mengenal Foreign Evaluation Transcript dan Cara Mendapatkannya

Disamping skor TOEFL, GRE, Surat Rekomendasi, dan Essay, terdapat salah satu dokumen yang tak kalah penting dalam komponen aplikasi pendaftaran universitas di Amerika Serikat....

Essay on Chevening Scholarships – Part 1: Future Leaders of Home Countries

Indonesia Mengglobal Essay Clinic is our effort to provide tangible help for Indonesian applicants who want to study abroad. This essay clinic is not meant...

Mengapa Kamu Harus Traveling Saat Kuliah di Luar Negeri

I am a firm believer that learning doesn't just take place in the confines of classrooms and lecture halls. In fact, I truly believe...

Tetap Bugar dan Sehat Saat Kuliah di Australia: Diari Seorang Mahasiswi Indonesia

Saat kita kuliah di luar negeri, sangat penting bagi kita agar tetap sehat dan bugar. Mengapa? Karena jatuh sakit di luar negeri menyusahkan diri...

Mengejar S2 Di Korea Di Bawah Naungan Beasiswa

I’m fortunate enough to be granted a professor-funded scholarship to pursue my further studies in Korea, so I just want to share my experiences...

Sekilas Mengenai Bidang Studi Teknik Sipil (Civil Engineering)

Civil engineers are responsible for designing, constructing, and maintaining the built environment. This includes, but not limited to, designing and constructing buildings, roads, bridges,...

‘Growing Pains:’ Belajar Dewasa di Amerika

Growing Pains: a title of an American sitcom that popularizes 'growing pains,' a medical phenomenon in which young, growing children complained that their legs...

Bergabunglah di Tim Indonesia Mengglobal

Indonesia Mengglobal (IM) is recruiting new team members for the period of Jan – Dec 2016. Please click on the respective links below to...