Studi di Luar Negeri: Di Mana, Di Kota Mana, dan Mengapa?

Sebelum kamu berangkat untuk kuliah di luar negeri, tentunya ada banyak pertimbangan dari A sampai Z, dari memilih universitas, negara dan kota tujuan, budget,...

Moving Abroad: Physical or Metaphysical, Choose It Wisely

Moving abroad can either be merely physical or metaphysical – beyond what is perceptible to the senses. Whether they are simply physical or more...

Post-arrival Checklist in the UK

For those who are counting down the days to the UK, you may find yourself turning to be the busy bees. From shopping necessary...

Starting your Overseas Study: Possible Thoughts to Start With

Transitioning to overseas study can be more surprising than what you may think. Find out more on some thoughts you may come with and...

Optional Practical Training: One Way for Foreign Students to Gain Experience Working in the...

Being able to gain hands–on work experience after graduating was one of the reasons why I chose United States as a place to pursue...

The Importance of Choice: My Journey to King’s College London

The most important thing I’ve learned as a first-year undergraduate student is the importance of choice. I say this because in the past year...

Embracing Your Multiple Passions

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This has always been the question which leaves me gasping for words. As someone with...

Pedoman Lengkap Hidup Hemat di London

Bagi orang Indonesia, hidup di Jakarta sudah terasa sangat mahal. Padahal, Jakarta termasuk salah satu kota dengan biaya hidup paling rendah di dunia. Apalagi...

Melanjutkan Studi di Turki

Banyak teman bertanya kepada saya, “Kenapa lo pilih kuliah ke Turki? Bukan Eropa atau Amerika?“ Saya tidak bisa menjawab ini cita-cita lama yang akhirnya terwujud,...

Game Design Bagian 1: Menggapai yang Tak Tergapai, Pelan Namun Pasti

Halo, perkenalkan, nama saya Fandi. Saat ini saya sedang menempuh studi S2 saya di New York University (NYU) dengan gelar MFA (Master of Fine...