Being A Career Woman? Why Not?

Einstein said, ‘Time is an illusion’. Similarly, J. K. Rowling also claimed, “It is a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and...

Survival Tips in Newcastle

Saya adalah seorang mahasiswi di Newcastle University, mengambil jurusan Business Management tahun ke-2. Sebelumnya, saya belajar di Bellerbys College untuk persiapan masuk ke universitas....

City University of Hong Kong: Four Reasons to Love It

City University of Hong Kong?  I could almost always sense hints of a question mark underneath the widened eyes and curious tones. Undoubtedly, Hong Kong...

Menjadi Duta Bangsa di USA CGSC

U.S. Army Command General and Staff College (USA CGSC) adalah salah satu pendidikan yang menjadi bagian dari International Military Education and Training (IMET), sebuah...

Tips Hemat dan Perkiraan Budget Tinggal di Denmark

Tinggal dan kuliah di luar negeri itu memang mahal, jauh lebih mahal dari di Indonesia. Di Denmark apalagi - reputasi Scandinavia sebagai kumpulan negara...

Understanding Indonesia through the Australian Lens

How would you feel if you managed to gain plenty of understanding about your country from people of another country? I have recently got back...

Are you ready for the Freshers’ Week?

The time that you have patiently been waiting finally has come! Congratulations for arriving safe and sound in the UK! To kick off the new...

Starting Your Overseas Study: What (Not) To Do to Start Your Overseas Study

Starting your overseas study have its challenges. Learn more about some issues faced by those who've studied overseas and how to cope with them. I brought...

Umberto Eco dan Kiat Menulis Tesis (Bagian Kedua)

Agustus lalu, saya mengulas buku Umberto Eco How to Write a Thesis. Ia sesungguhnya buku lama. Terbit pertama kali dalam bahasa Italia pada 1977....

Q&A: Bagaimana Perkuliahanku di Indonesia dan Inggris Membantu Karirku Saat Ini

Artikel kali ini, Indonesia Mengglobal mewawancara Prasidya Danniswara. Prasidya telah menyelesaikan S1 nya dari Northumbria University dan telah secara resmi mendapatkan gelar BA (Hons) Management &...