Tips Berkuliah di Selandia Baru: Akomodasi

Rincian biaya hidup bulanan yang harus dikeluarkan para mahasiswa selama berkuliah pada umumnya adalah biaya akomodasi, makanan, transportasi dan rekreasi. Untuk Selandia Baru, biaya...

An Introvert in An Extrovert Field

I am now a final year student, studying at possibly one of the most well-known universities in the country, majoring in communication and have...

Mission (Im)possible: Landing a Job Post-Graduation in the UK

Graduating from university abroad is both a blessing and a burden.  Why?  The graduation euphoria may be proven to be temporary especially for us,...

Belajar Manajemen Lingkungan dari A-Z di GSGES Kyoto University

Isu lingkungan tidak bisa lepas dari setiap aspek kehidupan: inilah konsep yang diusung di Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES), Kyoto University. Dengan...

Libur Telah Usai, Saatnya Melanjutkan Pendidikan

Dengan latar belakang pendidikan S1 akuntansi, ditambah dengan karir yang saya miliki di panggung hiburan Indonesia, saya sering mendapatkan pertanyaan tentang keputusan saya menempuh...


Ever desired to use your semester break to travel abroad and discover the world while helping a community in need? Salsabi Rolansyah shares her...

Unlimited Dreams with a Limited Budget? Here’s How I Did It

Studying abroad is becoming more important in today's globalized world.  It allows students to boost their intellectuality to the highest level at an international...

From Piaget to J.K. Rowling: Why Changing Majors Is Worth the Struggle

Obtaining a Postgraduate degree is not an easy feat, and it all starts with the confidence and conviction that you have for the major you want...

Aryani Paramita: NTU Computer Science Valedictorian, From Humble Beginnings to Graduation

Pernahkah kamu berpikir, apakah untuk menjadi seseorang yang terbaik di bidangnya, kita harus terlahir dari suatu kelompok tertentu, keluarga tertentu, dari kalangan tertentu yang...

Networking: Investment for Your Future

  Life as a graduate student should not just be about going to classes and writing essays. I have discovered that it is also essential...