Sports Studies in the UK


Bagi teman-teman yang tertarik dengan ilmu keolahragaan, Icha Avrianty membahas tentangnya dalam tulisan berikut ini. Icha sedang studi dengan beasiswa Chevening di University of Central Lancashire di Inggris yang menawarkan sports studies, sebuah subjek multidisiplin yang mengajarkan tentang pembinaan, manajemen, pengembangan sampai ke fisiologi keolahragaan. Mari simak tulisan Icha ini untuk mengetahui alasannya untuk belajar jurusan ini di Inggris.

What is your reaction, knowing that our national football team failed in so many high level competition? What do you think of Asian Games 2014 final result? Don’t you think Indonesia can do better than that? These are some questions that always come up in my mind in my days as a sports journalist, the questions that brought me here to the United Kingdom.

Many different courses splatter at universities all over Europe, but the sport development studies attracts me to dig deeper. I am fascinated with the abundance of options coming up to me in terms of choosing which subject I want to specialize. Sports studies is a multidisciplinary subject with a grounded theory which enables students to apply in a varied context. The focus ranges from sports coaching, sports management, sports development up to sports physiology.

In Indonesia, this kind of subject is not as popular as in the United Kingdom. At least that is what I feel when I try to search which university can accommodate my passion in sports studies. There is of course some options for undergraduate at Universitas Negeri Jakarta or Universitas Indonesia for sports medicine. Then again, the options are limited, particularly for postgraduate level.

The search ends when I found this course at the University of Central Lancashire that seems to be very close to my area of interest. In addition to that, since the notion of grassroots sports is fundamental to me, I am determined to acquire some knowledge regarding youth development. I am so glad to have a chance to learn about sport, policy and community development in a country where sports is a social tool. The aim is to get a better understanding of how sports can be use as tool for development. This idea, I presume, is something that is out of the box and Indonesia is still far from adopting it. In my optimistic view, as an emerging nation, I believe Indonesia someday will be able to formulate the policy. Therefore, the first and foremost is to develop sports from the youth. At the end, let’s say 2045, Indonesia will enjoy the glory of achievement in sports where athletes perform and shine in international competition. Utopia? Nope, just being optimistic.

What I am trying to say here, it is important to know what your passion is. There are a plenty of courses and programs you can pick when studying abroad. If you have passion in sports, whether you are an athlete, coach, sports journalist or you are just simply an avid fan of football, grabbing the knowledge in the United Kingdom could be an alternative. Most of master degree in sports will give you an opportunity to have a coursework so you will experience working in “live” projects. If you fancy learning and doing research about sports with some perks like watching Mario Ballotelli play at the Liverpool ground, UK is the place to go.

Photo Credit: featured image is taken by the author herself.

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A mother and Sports Journalist at KompasTV, Icha Avrianty obtained her Bachelor Degree in Political Science at University of Indonesia and Diploma Degree in Broadcast Journalism at University of Indonesia. A Chevening Scholar 2014-2015, she is currently pursuing Master of Arts in Sport, Policy and Community Development at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom. Catch her live presenting sports news bulletin and numerous football matches in KompasTV. Feel free to buzz her with any thoughtful discussion at



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